motorbike injury claims

Compensation Overview for Your Motorbike Injury Claims

As a motorbike driver, you can never be as safe as someone who drives a car. Why? Well, you are covered with a metallic body, you don’t have a seat belt or an airbag that explodes while impacting another vehicle.

Hence a motorbike accident definitely gets the bike more injured. But wait! have you heard about motorbike injury claims?

As someone dealing with physical pain, you might be wondering what is the amount of money that is awarded to you for nonfault motorbike injury claims. This is what we are about to find out.

What are Motorbike Injury Claims?

First off, we need to talk about the obvious, the fuss surrounding motorbike injury claims. An injury claim is your free ticket for a better life after getting injured in a road accident.

In one scenario, you have to recover, pay for the lengthy bills, and rejoin your job while still not fully at your best, motorbike injury claims can pay for all of that and beyond, while you stay stress-free, and relax during your recovery.

Motorbike Injuries and their compensation payouts

Calculating a compensation is tricky. You can’t get an absolute idea without having the information connected to a specific claim. Based on our experiences, we have written the general amount that could be won from motorbike injury claims.

Head Injury

We try to protect our head with a helmet while driving a bike yet bad accidents give us pain that lasts years.

In any accident, the most vulnerable part of your body is your head. And even the most minor skull injuries can have a pretty severe long-term effect. The compensation for head injuries from a motorbike accident is pretty varied just because there are different ways of calculating based on the nature of the injury.

Still, it can start from £1,900 and can get up to a staggering £354,000 if the injuries have a severe effect on your brain.

Back Injury

Back Injuries have a way of revealing themselves after quite a few years since the accident. And even in a motorbike accident, the biker might not feel the pain at the moment, but trust us, it’s there. 

And when you apply for motorbike injury claims, your injuries that might have a longer effect will be considered when you get paid.

Whether you had a motorbike back injury that lasted 2 years, 5 years or more, the amount you receive will start from £6,900 to £354,000.

Psychological Injury

One of the most common injuries victims suffer from motorbike accidents is psychological as the unfortunate event mentally torments them for life. The compensation helps them to slightly recover from that mental discomfort.

The mental injuries are no walk in the park. They don’t just instantly disappear after a few psychiatrist visits. We are talking about severe PTSD.

For psychological injuries sustained from a motorbike accident, you can win between £3,000 to £88,000.

Leg Injury

When it comes to leg injuries, the compensation can vary whether the accident caused fractures, severe leg injury, or in some cases, amputation.

Your knees and legs are the first to experience the impact of the bike accident. And the outcome can be either fracture or amputation. Which is why the compensation can vary between £8,000 to £247,000.

Why You Should Claim for Your Motorbike Injury Claim?

After a motorbike accident, you can claim for any,

  • Injuries and sufferings
  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical expenses
  • Transportation expenses
  • Damage to vehicle

Remember that you are claiming for something that is in your legal right.

Legal Assist has an expert panel that can help you understand more about it and also take your claim and get you compensated.

You can contact Legal Assist today to know more.

No win No fee

Our panel solicitors can handle your case on a no win, no fee basis which means there’s nothing to pay upfront and nothing to pay if your case is unsuccessful.

If your case is successful, our panel solicitors take between 25% – 50% + VAT from your awarded compensation. This varies amongst our panel members and will be dependent on the law firm we recommend you to as well as your claim type and individual circumstances. Fees will always be agreed with your solicitor’s firm upfront.

Please note that financial claim fees are capped at a maximum of 30% + VAT, however the fees may be as little as 15% + VAT and will be dependent on the redress awarded for your claim.

Full terms & conditions will be included in your solicitor’s agreement so please read this carefully and speak to them if you are unsure of anything before signing. For more information, please visit our No win No fee page.

We receive marketing fees from our panel solicitors for successful introductions. You are under no obligation to use our panel solicitors.

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Clinical, Medical & Dental Negligence

If you had an elective surgery such as a total hip, knee or shoulder replacement, a complex trauma surgery or even a simple procedure which has gone terribly wrong, or perhaps you were misdiagnosed or your conditions worsened significantly after medical intervention, there may be grounds to make a claim for any malpractice which has caused injury, adverse effects, suffering or loss. This also includes child birth too. Negligence and breach cases come in many forms which can be genuine but costly mistakes, poor medical standards, or a serious breach of duty which can impact a patient’s health, safety, appearance, and wellbeing. Legal Assist has a dedicated panel of medical negligence solicitors which are specialists in complicated negligence matters. They have helped claimants all over the UK claim the compensation they deserve against the public and private health sectors. You can start a medical negligence claim within 3 years of finding out about the negligence or breach, or if you were a child at the time of the treatment, you have 3 years from the date of your 18th Birthday to make a claim.

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